Dear Reader,
Many of you probably fantasize about a trip to the UAE for a special occasion. The city filled with all the luxury you can imagine and so much innovation that is hard to find in one place somewhere else in the world. The country in the middle of the desert is a fascination for many, so here is a post that might help you out.
In this post, I will tell you all the things you need to pack regardless in what season you are coming. Know that regardless of when you come it will be hot and sunny, so just don't expect much else in terms of weather. Without any further due, let's get into it.
Thin long pants
Personally, I did not feel comfortable walking around in shorts in any of the three cities I have lived in. As a white girl, you just get stared at my all the men (regardless if Arab or South Asian). It made me feel very strange and gave me unwanted attention. Therefore, I would suggest you take thin long pants that will keep you covered but not make you feel too hot. they are also great for visiting mosques since you have to wear long loose clothing.
Shirts that cover your shoulders
This one is partially related to the point above, but also these are the best shirts for protection against the sun. Regardless if you come in January or July the sun is dangerous and you have to protect yourself. I will elaborate more on this later, but for now it is great to have something to cover your shoulders to avoid direct sunlight to some of the sensitive parts of your body.
Large Scarf
This is something you should think of, but you can also buy them everywhere in the UAE. I got one on my way to Dubai and was using it almost every day. They are great for protection against the sun or staring eyes. You will need them to cover your hair with when entering mosques. Also, many of the building in the UAE do not know how to use air conditioning properly and make the inside temperature like 16 degrees so you freeze to death. In these moments it is great to have a scarf you can wrap around yourself. For me, it was one of the most useful items I had with me, because they were always small enough to fit in my bag and I was using them constantly.
As mentioned above, the sun here is always very strong. Regardless if you come in January or June, you will need to protect yourself against the sun if you want to do anything outside. This is especially important if you are heading out to water or on safari to the desert. Water and sand reflect light back so you have the rays coming from all directions. Therefore, always use sunscreen while in the UAE regardless how much or little time you are planning to spend outside.
One or two outfits to go out in
Even if you are not a huge party goer, there are so many fancy places to go in each of the major cities in the UAE that bringing an outfit is almost mandatory. In Dubai and Abu Dhabi there is at least one bar having a Ladies Night every day, so you will for sure find one that suits your needs. Out favorite in Abu Dhabi was always Loca on Wednesdays since they serve free margaritas for ladies all night long. If you are not a big drinker, this trip can also be a great chance to go on a very romantic date with your partner or friend, for which you will also need a nice outfit.
UK adapter
In case you didn't know, the UAE uses the UK plugs. If you have a European device you will be fine, you just need to get an adaptor. If you are traveling from the States you have to be a little more careful, since the plugs here have a voltage of 220V, which may fry your equipment. Make sure you check if your electronics can handle it or if you need a converter. Some hotels have started also having USB plus, but they are not too common yet.
So that is it. These are all the important items you are not allowed to forget at home when visiting the UAE. They will make your vacation more pleasant and easy. If you are now thinking you really want to go, check out my Dubai City Guide here to start planning your trip, As always, if you have any more tips or experiences, feel free to live them in the comments below or share them with me on social media. Enjoy your vacation.