Dear Reader,
So many times when I talk to people, they tell me, they cannot travel because they have no money for that. So I decided to write a post about how to save money for traveling even while living on a tight budget.
I am currently in college and living off the money from my parents since I do not have a job. So I have to save money to be able to afford to travel as much as possible during the weekend. Here are some of the things I do to be able to afford it.
We all know that the favorite activity of a 20 something-year-old girl is shopping. Turns out it is perfectly possible to live without constant new clothes, especially if your school has a dress code. Ninety percent of the time I wear one of three outfits: my suits, my comfy home outfit, or one of three jeans and t-shirt outfits I think look cute. Since this is mainly what I wear I do not need new things constantly. If there is something I see that I love, I will get it, but mainly I just window shop.
Going out
So many of my friends spend insane amounts of money each weekend to party. With that money, I tend to book hostels and plane tickets. Alcohol is expensive and I am lucky to not be a huge fan of it. This has saved me tons of money over the years. Also if I do not feel like going out, I will not go regardless if my friends are going. So I don't spend money if I do not want to, which I can put to a better cause.
Eating out
So many of us enjoy going out to eat. Currently, I have a meal plan here in school so there is no reason for me to eat out. I take advantage of what I already paid for and it saves me money in the long run. Of course, I do not cut myself off completely. If it is a friends birthday and we are going out to eat, I will join. However, I will not just do it for the fun of it. Also, I avoid buying overpriced coffee or anything else I do not really desire.
Walking and Public Transport
Cars and cabs cost so much money overall. Most of the time, regardless if I am at home or traveling I tend to walk everywhere or take public transport. It is a great way to get around and is cheaper than most other forms of transport. Also, in the end, you will be able to use that time productively. I love working on my school stuff on the train, or catching up on podcasts while on the bus.
Handmade Gifts
I love receiving handmade gifts. My friend once gave me a scarf that she made and I am still wearing it today. Making a gift has a sentimental value along with the material one. I made my best friends scrapbooks for their birthdays because it is a great way to remember great memories and nostalgia. This sounds super cliche but is really true. Try it once even if you think you are not creative. You will be surprised what you can come up with.
These are a few tips that worked for me and allowed me to save money that I can spend on traveling. I hope they will help you reach your goals as well. If you have any other tips, feel free to share them in the comments below or on social media.